ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ ³ DOUBLE.TXT Û ÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÜÛ Sat 02-12-1994 13:42:29 ÚÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄÄ· ³ Version 1.1 º ÔÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍͼ This is Version 1.1. New file DBL2.BAT added which does the work of the two batch files described below. The batch file code which makes DBl2.BAT do the work of two batch files is from Neil Rubenking. See text description of DBL2.BAT -inside- that batch file. if you are reading this because you executed FROMJOHN.BAT... when you hit to exit this text file, it will then load DBL2.BAT... neat eh? The following is the original text of DOUBLE.EXE, it still applies. ÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍÍ Sun 02-06-1994 02:48:50 Well, I wasn't going to write a text piece for this file set, but it got a little confusing even for me. This file set contains two batch files that work together. They are: 1st TEST_DRV.BAT (will test -every- drive from A: to N:) (uses DBL.BAT) 2nd DBL.BAT (will test -one- drive that you type in) The first time you try this, use TEST_DRV.BAT and see how it works. Actually it's a clever way to test all your drives. If you wish you can take out the "PAUSE" commands in DBL.BAT and redirect the output to a file to see which of your drives are Double Spaced without pressing a key everytime it displays a drive. By using MAKE_COM.BAT with the script file ISIT_DBL.SCR you can make your very own ISIT-DBL.COM. But before you do, write down the byte size of the existing ISIT_DBL.COM file and then -view- it using XtGold or some other viewer that lets you look at *.COM files. You don't need a Hex file viewer. All the *.BAT files contain "interesting" text that you should at least browse; -but- most of my finest stuff is in DBL.BAT. John De Palma on CompuServe 76076,571